Swimmers often face great pain and injuries to their
shoulders. These athletes tend to have tight shoulder rotators which can cause
injury to the rotator cuff. When this happens, the ‘ball’ of your shoulder
doesn’t stay within its socket. Some swimmers may even face injury to their
lower body such as their knees. A common injury is known as breaststroker’s
knee which is located on the medial side of the knee causing pain when in
certain positions. As these types of injuries can interfere with training and
competing, it’s best to take care of yourself before damage is done.
Swimmers who regularly stretch benefit from increased muscle
flexibility and improved performance. Flexibility is very important for
athletes in order to perform their best. The two most popular types of
stretching are static and dynamic. Static stretching takes place when you
slowly increase motion until you feel the ‘stretch.’ You would then hold this
position for about 20 seconds. Dynamic stretching occurs when you move your
muscles in a range of motion similar to the manner it is used in a sport. This
is most popular amongst sport teams. It has been shown that completing a
stretch 1-3 times for 30 seconds 5 days a week is best. Always remember that
stretching a warm muscle is better than stretching a cold muscle.
Here are some exercises to try:
Door Frame Stretch
Overhead Lat Stretch (Latissimus Dorsi Stretch)
Upper Trap Stretch
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