Lifeguard Swim Shop Now

Friday, June 26, 2015

We're teaming up!

All American Swim is pleased to announce that we have entered into a definitive agreement with The Lifeguard Store, a leading provider in lifeguard swimwear, accessories and facility equipment.

This partnership with the Lifeguard Store based in Normal, IL further strengthens our position in the swimming industry. The combination of The Lifeguard Store's expertise within the lifeguard and facility equipment business with our vast swimming knowledge will provide our customers with everything they will need poolside. This partnership is also expected to result in greater efficiencies and significantly increase our market share.

As will all important business decisions, we will work closely with our customers, vendors and employees to make the integration process as smooth as possible. The integration of both companies will take place over the next several months. Of course, in the meantime our customers will continue to receive the same high quality service, which they have come to expect.

All American Swim will continue to operate under that name, as a DBA ("doing business as") of The Lifeguard Store.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Swimmer's Top 5 Summer Struggles

It's summer time and the weather is beautiful, but swimming can put a damper on your plans. You know your a swimmer if you deal with these struggles during the summer!


When your friends want to go to the pool, but you already spend enough time at the pool.


When you want to wear shorts or dresses, but don’t want to mess up your drag for taper.


When you want to better yourself for your future, but you are exhausted and choose to nap instead.


When you want to stay out with your friends during the summer, but that 5AM morning practice comes early!


When you love the sound of storms, but you know you’ll just have to make up practice later if lightning strikes.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Diving Safety Tips

The nice weather has finally arrived and the pools will be open soon! You will be keeping cool and staying active in no time. Swimming and diving are favorite summer activities for both adults and children; however, there is also the risk of injury.

According to the ThinkFirst National Injury Prevention Foundation:

  • As many as 1,000 spinal cord injuries occur each year due to shallow water diving
  • Ninety percent of all diving injuries cause a spinal cord injury which results in paralysis
  • Most injuries occur to males aged 15-25 years
  • Most injuries occur while diving into six feet of water or less
  • Three out of four injuries occur in lakes, rivers, oceans and other natural bodies of water



First and foremost, before you dive into any depth of water - be sure to jump feet first the first time. This allows you to familiarize yourself with the waters. The recommended depth to dive from the side of a pool is 11 feet, while the recommended depth for diving from a diving board is 12 feet. If you are diving from a diving board, dive straight from the board and not from the sides. It is not advised to dive from various structures, such as ladders, slides, fences, etc. As always, follow posted water safety rules and always supervise children while diving and swimming.

A majority of pool-related spinal cord injuries result in paralysis of all four limbs.


Suspected Injury

If there is a suspected injury in water, call 911 immediately. Because the victim could be in pain and/or shock, approach the victim carefully. If they are not on their back, carefully hold the victim's head in alignment with his or her back and gently turn him or her onto his back. It's imperative to keep their head and back stabilized. Do not remove the victim from the water until EMS arrives.

The Lifeguard Store has all of your spinal equipment needs.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Swimmer's 3 Biggest Fears

Fears – we all have them! And no, we aren’t talking about the fear of heights or snakes. Swimmers have different types of fears due to the competitiveness of the sport. Once it’s race time, these fears creep right in!

1.      Fogged Vision. At meets you are surrounded by family, friends, and other swimmers who you want to talk to. Unfortunately you can so wrapped up in conversation you lose track of time. And yes, yes that is your heat up there on the blocks. Run!

2.       False Start. After years and years of training, this still happens! You get up on the blocks and wait what seems to be an absurd amount of time to ‘take your mark.’ You finally get down, anticipating the gun to go off. Whoops! You leaned forward a little too much and now you’re in the water… disqualified. Better luck next time.

3.       Gear Failure. The only thing worse than trying to beat your competition, is trying to beat your competition without being able to see. In cases like this it’s great to know how many strokes you have before hitting the wall. But, what about a suit ripping? That may not be something you can come back from.  

Friday, June 12, 2015

Pool Equipment Necessities

Did you just purchase a pool, but are looking to know what else you need? As you know pools can require a lot of maintenance. Since pools are a pretty costly item to begin with, you need to be sure to care for so it doesn’t get ruined!

1.       Pump & Filter
Chances are you already know you will be needing a pump and filter for your new pool. You’ll find that the typical pump ranges between .75 and 1.5 HP. This pump forces water into the filter, which grabs and collects all the dirt and debris. You will need to clean the filter on a regular basis for it to continue cleaning.
2.       Vacuum
I know what you’re probably thinking, “A vacuum for my pool!?” Similar to the one you use in your house, this vacuum cleans the floor as well. Pool vacuums come in both manual and automatic, and consist of a vacuum head, telescoping pole and a hose attachment.  Automatic vacuums are preferred because it does the work for you and they are more efficient. Unfortunately, they tend to be more expensive but it’s worth it!
3.       Skimmer
A lot of dirt and debris can easily blow into your pool and get stuck, including those pesky leaves. If you use a skimmer regularly, your pool will be keep clean and ready for a dip! If you don’t use a skimmer as often as you should, these bigger items can get stuck in your pump and filter.
4.       PoolBrush
Some grime may get stuck on your pool floor and your pool walls, so a pool brush is a great tool! There are many different types of brushes, depending on your need. Be sure to get a long enough pole to attach to your brush.

Once you have your pool and these items, you will be swimming in your clean pool in no time!  Be sure to store these times in a cool, dark place out of direct sunlight with your chemicals if you so choose. Make sure you stock up on PoolTest Kits and a thermometer or two!

Friday, June 5, 2015

Dealing with Skin Chafing

What is it?
Chafing is when there is repetitive contact by another body part or material which leaves raw lesions on the body. In severe cases, this friction can even cause bleeding. Skin chafing can occur in a variety of places such as thighs, groin, and underarms.  

When swimming, it is vital to have the proper fitting suit. With so many options to choose from, searching for the perfect suit may seem overwhelming. Not everyone is built the same and require different styles, which is why there are so many on the market. Be sure to check out our FemaleSwimsuit Back Style Info-graphic so you know the difference.

In addition to a good fitting suit, you can also use anti-chafing products such as TriSlide. This liquid silicone based spray is safe for suits and is even water resistant. Because everyone is built differently, chafing will occur in different locations on different people. Over time you will familiarize yourself with the areas in which are prone to chafing. In the meantime, you can never over-lubricate potential chafing places.

If you happen to get an open sore, simply treat it as any other sore. It’s important to keep it clean and dry in order for it to heal properly. For optimal healing, be sure to use ointment as well. If it is causing you pain, you can use over-the-counter pain relievers if desired. For severe sores and wounds, see a doctor.