Now that you know the many benefits that come from lifting weights, it’s time to get started! Whether you have a gym membership or some weights at home, these beginner exercises will help get you introduced to weightlifting. For each exercise, a good starting point would be to aim for 3 sets of 8-12 reps.
Bench Press
Begin by lying on a flat bench, holding a barbell
shoulder-width apart near your chest. Continue by pressing outward, leaving
your arms full extended above your chest. Bring the barbell back to your chest,
and continue until you have completed all reps. If you do not have access to a
barbell, you can use two dumbbells which will yield the same results.
Military Press
For this exercise, you can either be sitting or standing. If
you are sitting, make sure you have your bench at a 90 degree angle. Begin by
holding a dumbbell in each hand at shoulder height, with your elbows facing down.
Using your shoulders, press the dumbbells above your head remaining at shoulder
width apart. Slowly lower the weight back to starting position and continue
until you are finished with your reps.
Dumbbell Row
Place your left knee and your left hand on a flat bench,
leaving your right leg fully extended. Reach down and grab the appropriate
weight with your back staying flat. It’s important for your back to not be
arched. By squeezing your shoulder blades together, bring the dumbbell up to
the side of your chest. Slowly return the weight to starting position and
complete 8-12 reps. Repeat for the other side.
Front Squat
By holding a dumbbell or kettlebell in front of you with
both hands with your feet shoulder width apart, push your butt back and bend
your knees like you are trying to sit in a chair. Make sure your knees don’t go
past your ankles, or you may cause discomfort. By pressing with your heels
return to starting position, this will activate your glutes. You can either do
this exercise by leaving your arms extended so the dumbbell is below your
stomach, or you can hold the dumbbell up near your chest. Feel free to use a
chair until you get your form down.
Begin by standing while holding two dumbbells in each hand.
Take one step with your right leg and bring your left knee toward the ground.
Similar to the squats, you don’t want your right knee going over your right
ankle. Activate your glutes by pushing up with your right heel and step
together. Now do the same thing except step with your left leg. Continue this
until you have completed all of your reps.
In order for these exercises to be effective, they need to
be causing you to work hard. If you are on your 3rd set of 12 and
it’s easy, you need to move up in weight. The only way you can get better is by
pushing yourself to be better. If you are fatiguing before you hit 12, you might
want to consider moving down in weight. Do what you can, and enjoy the