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Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Ways to Stay Healthy

With the cooler temperatures rolling in, now is the prime time for your immune system to break down. While being the midst of many competitions and meets, athletes need to take care of themselves to continue to train optimally. Use these tips to stay healthy this fall –

1.       Watch your diet. Make sure that you eat healthy, wholesome foods. Choose healthy foods filled with nutrients to ensure you are getting all the vitamins you need. Stay away from fatty, processed foods as they will break down your system and make you groggy.
2.       Get enough sleep. All of us are busy and have heavy workloads, but you must listen to your body. Your body goes through a lot of wear and tear and will need rest. Be sure to get around 8 hours of sleep at night and your immune system will be much stronger, deflecting any infection.
3.       Wash your hands. Think of how many things you touch with your hands and fingers on a daily basis – doorknobs, keyboard, food, etc. The typical person touches their face, rubs their eyes, or bites a nail many times a day. The germs you pick up from these items can be easily transferred so you need to be careful. You should be washing your hands several times a day, for at least 20 seconds. If you are having trouble counting, try singing the Happy Birthday song twice.

What keeps your healthy during these colder months? Let us know!

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