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Thursday, October 23, 2014

When you have a bad workout...

You know what I mean, those horrible workouts that you barely can make it through. Whether you had a bad day, you are tired and sore, everything around you is bugging you, or you have a lot on your mind – you still manage to push through your workout. It may not be as great as you’d like it to be, but you pushed through. You are dedicated and you put in the time, but sometimes you have an ‘off day’. It’s okay! It happens!

Only you are in charge of your thoughts and emotions. Don’t blame your bad workout on anyone else or any problems you may be facing. All famous athletes must separate themselves from their lives to perform their best every day. It’s easy to point fingers, but look within and push yourself to do better. If you had a bad workout today, challenge yourself to make tomorrow’s workout even better! By pushing yourself to the max tomorrow, you won’t even remember how horrible it was today. It is up to you to remain positive when being faced with hard times. It may be difficult, but you can’t dwell on the negatives. Choose to be positive and your mood and actions will follow suit.

As I’m sure you have heard, things happen for a reason. This is even the case for bad workouts. Not everything goes perfectly as planned, which is why we have to adjust and keep pushing. One bad workout can really get you focused and get your motivation roaring for next time! Use this bad workout as fuel to reach your goals. After all, it’s part of the process.

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