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Friday, February 20, 2015

5 Ways to Sleep Better

As an athlete, you may have a lot of different daily responsibilities which can often put your health to the back burner. Sleep is very important to everyone, but especially athletes. Sleep boosts your mood and can overall benefit your heart, health, weight and more! Sleep also affects your muscle growth and your performance so it’s very important athletes get the right amount of sleep each night. Here are some tips to help –

1.       Go to bed at the same time each night. If you make it routine, your body will adjust- leaving you feeling more refreshed and energized! It may be tempting to switch it up during the weekends, but this will only throw you off come Monday.
2.       Stop using electronics at least an hour before going to sleep. Light from devices such as TVs, cell phones, and tablets suppress melatonin production making it harder for you to ‘shut off.’
3.       Create rituals that help you wind down. Try reading a book before bed, or listening to one on tape. If you need help relaxing, try taking a warm bath or stretching. These are all good habits to have and they can aid in a good night’s rest.
4.       Avoid Caffeine. In today’s world, caffeine can be found in many different items such as sodas, teas, candy, and even some medications. Caffeine can interfere with your ability to fall asleep so it’s important thing to keep an eye on your intake.
5.       Create a relaxing sleep environment. In order to get the best sleep, make sure your room is dark and quiet. You may be surprised how much impact these small factors can make in terms of sleep quality.

What things do you do before bed? Are you going to try to incorporate any of the tips listed above? Create a system that works for you and begin to see how a good quality night of sleep can improve your mood, body, and health!

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