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Friday, March 20, 2015

Protecting your Suit

Your suit can take quite the beating during the summer, after wearing it day in and day out. You may think that staying out of the pool will help, but that’s not true. It’s not just chlorine that can affect the lifetime of your suit, but also UV rays. As you know UV rays can be harmful to your skin, they can do damage to your clothing too. If you have ever left clothing in your car or outside in direct sunlight for a while, you noticed that the color faded. In addition to this, chemicals from sunscreen, tanning oils and deodorant can affect the life of your swimsuit as well. 


By rinsing your suit with water first, it will not absorb as much oil or lotion.

Is your favorite swim suit no longer that bright, radiant color it once was? Is the elasticity been shot? If this happens to your recreational swimsuit, just think what will happen to your competitive suit which costs double to triple the amount! There is a solution for that! Swimwear Protector!

This product help protect swimwear from both chlorine and UV damage. It helps preserve the color and elasticity too. All you need to do is add two capfuls and your suit into water and the chlorine will be neutralized! Just soak, swirl, and let it dry! It’s a good idea to not dry your swim suit in the dryer, as they get to extreme high temperatures which can break down the material.

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