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Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Replenishing Electrolytes

If you are an athlete, you have heard about the importance of electrolytes to replace what you have lost through sweat. Sport drinks and bars are filled with these minerals, but at the cost of high calories and additives. Luckily, you can replenish these minerals through your diet with healthy, wholesome food.

Sodium. You mostly hear that you should avoid sodium because it causes you to hold water (aka water retention). This is the exact reason why athletes need sodium- so they can stay hydrated. Before a sweat session, try having something that contains a decent amount of salt and do so again post workout for recovery! Many items such as soups, deli meats, olives, cheeses and other packaged goods contain higher sodium levels.

Potassium. Have you ever gotten a bad cramp in your leg, leaving you in excruciating pain? There is a good chance that you were lacking potassium. Not only does this mineral affect muscle contractions, but also supports cell and heart functions and prevents kidney stones. A banana is an easy and quick way to replenish, giving you 450 to 600mg of potassium! Some other foods that naturally contain potassium include avocados, apricots, salmon, beans, and leafy greens.

Magnesium. Like potassium, magnesium also aids muscle contractions and can also assist bone development, nerve functions, and can even help fight fatigue! To get this mineral naturally, try filling your diet with green vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and beans

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