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Friday, October 9, 2015

Tips for Pool Maintenance

If you are lucky enough to own a pool, you will need to make sure you keep your pool clean and ready for use! Sure you may feel like it takes a lot of work and maintenance, but once you hop in there on a hot sizzling day – it’s worth it! Let’s get going!

1.       To reduce buildup, be sure to wipe down the tile often.
2.       Keep an active eye on the level of the pool to guarantee water level.
3.       Cleaning your filters is a MUST! Your filters especially need cleaned after a heavy storm. This is something that doesn’t need to be done often, so it’s easy to forget! Try doing this ever 4-6 months. Make a memo on the calendar if it helps!
4.       Use a Pool Test Kit 2-3 times a week to ensure proper chemistry.
5.       Skimmer basket(s) and pumps should be cleaned out weekly or as needed.
6.       Be sure to check the Deck-Chlor/Inline Chlorinator once per week for any necessary adjustments.
7.       If you have an ozone unit, keep an eye on it and make sure the light is on. Be careful not to break any connections.
8.       Keep all chemicals in a safe, dry place with no direct sunlight.

Chemical Pool Ranges
·         Alkalinity: 80-150
·         Calcium Hardness: 150-300
·         Chlorine Residuals: Per Label
·         Combined Chlorine: 0-.5
·         Cyanuric Acid: 0-50 ppm
·         PH: 7.2-7.6

Now that you pool is sparkling clean, you can get new pool equipment! Who doesn’t love Fun Noodles! These come in a variety of colors including Red, Blue, Green, and Purple! We also offer other items like Surf and Turf Dive Rings, Turtle in Eggs Pool Game, Water Bombs, and much more!


  1. Thank you for sharing very nice tips for pool maintenance. Every pool owner needs to consider about these maintenance tips. Hiring a pool professional can be very expensive as it's not so difficult to maintain pool itself. There are various pool products available in the market like Pool Brush, Pool Pump, Pool Filters, Leaf Skimmer, Pool Chemicals etc, which are very useful to keep pool water dust, debris and germ free. Cartridge filter like is the best option to keep pool water crystal clean.

  2. My husband and I have found it useful to keep a Pool Log Book listing what needs to be done and when. It ensures that everything gets done on time and no assumptions are made. The Log shows that I take the most active role in our pool maintenance schedule, so it's useful as a bargaining tool too.

    Stella Hammond @ Palm City Pools
