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Monday, July 21, 2014

Making it Through your Swim Practice

Everyone loses motivation at one point or another, it happens! How you choose to deal with it is what defines you. Don't get defeated, follow these steps to push through and conquer!

1. Picture Success

Everyone wants to succeed, right? Visualize yourself performing your very best, with your strokes being the best they have ever been. Imagine yourself beating your best time and how great that would feel. Use your mind as your best asset and you will be on your path to success!

2. Create a Mantra

This goes along with picturing success. Don't fill your head and mind up with negativity. By doing this, you are demeaning yourself and your capabilities. If you think negatively, you are going to start believing it and in return you will not perform your best. Banish all negative thoughts and replace them with positive ones. Say to yourself, "I can do this, I'm not a quitter.' You can even compete with yourself if that helps you. Aim to beat your time each set.

3. Push yourself

After a long day, you may be feeling sluggish and filling yourself with excuses. You've already been up for 10 hours and you have homework and chores to get done - plus your exhausted. If your feeling this way, you need to push yourself to get the job done! Harping on yourself and making excuses isn't going to get it completed any faster. Get a positive mindset and just keep moving. You will be finished before you know it, and you can move onto your other tasks. Quitting will only put you further behind.

4. Favorite Playlist

One of my favorite things to do is to listen to music when I'm not feeling motivated. You tend to focus on the music and not the thoughts in your head. It has been found that music with a higher tempo improved intensity. It also helps time go by faster by occupying your brain! If you haven't tried this, what's stopping you? The Lifeguard Store has the FINIS Neptune MP3 Player which has 4GB of storage and works without the use of ear buds!

5. Technique

Focusing on areas you may need to improve on is a great way to make practice go by quickly. Whether it's breathing or perfecting a stroke, it's a win-win! You improve on your technique and your brain is thinking about that instead of a problem or issue your facing. Before you know it, practice will be over!

Now your set and ready to make the most out of your swim practice! Try one of these today to ease the burden!

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