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Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Step Up your Walking this Winter

When the temperature gets colder, it makes for an easy excuse to not exercise. Don’t catch the winter blues and sit inside and watch it pass by! Walking is great way to burn some calories, get your heart pumping, and get you moving! This will not only make you healthier, but exercise makes you happier as well!

1.       Step outside! As long as the weather is above freezing, and you are dressed appropriately, there is no reason you can’t go outside and get some fresh air! This doesn’t have to be a lot, simply going to get your mail and walking to the end of your street can benefit your health. Plus, you will get vitamin D from the sun which has many health benefits.
2.       Multi-task. Many of us have desk jobs that don’t allow you to get much exercise. If you have a portable phone, try walking while you’re taking phone calls. Think of how fast your steps could increase! Most businesses also allow for breaks throughout your workday, so get away from that desk and take a stroll!
3.       Window Shop. I know you have seen them, the mall-walkers. Try meeting your friends at the mall, where it’s inside and warm. This will allow you to catch up with friends and get your walking in! If the mall isn’t your thing, get ahold of a friend or two who would love the exercise as well and head to the park.
4.       Lounging. If you find yourself lounging around watching TV or surfing the net, make it a point to get up and go for a walk. We spend a lot of our days in front of computer screens and at desks, we need to get out more, be active, and see more of nature. By doing this simple task, you could easily double the amount you walk daily.

If walking isn’t your thing, you can easily switch this to your favorite activity. You can also do many other exercises around the house like bodyweight exercises while you watch TV. This can range from squats, lunges, push-ups, triceps dips, sit-ups, etc. For a little cardio burst, try incorporating jumping jacks, squat jumps, high-knees, or jogging in place. Whatever you do, do NOT catch those winter blues!

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